Thursday, June 21, 2012

Scary Glove

I don't remember what toys were like when I was a small kid, but I don't think there was anything like what I've come to call the "scary glove."  I call it scary because I think it's creepy looking, and it's a glove because it fits on your hand.  In some ways, this toy is brilliant.  It's like having a mobile play mat in your lap.  But isn't this thing just plain strange looking?  

Is this thing schizophrenic, or is it just me?  Its designer must have been OCD.
The "scary glove" in action.  Anika gets mesmerized by this thing, and she seems to like it as much as her play mat.
This is the standard 6 a.m. routine; the scary glove proves its worth in the laziness it affords Alicia and I.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Move Over Rembrandt

Alicia made me this incredible birthday card for my 31st birthday this year (this is actually the card we sent to Alicia's Mom for her birthday; mine didn't have my name on it.)

Hands down the coolest birthday card I've ever seen.
Having set the bar so high, I decided to stretch my creativity and make something for Alicia for her birthday (Alicia turned 30 on June 6th).  Understanding the limitations of my genes, utilizing Anika's inner artist was my only good option.  And Anika's footprints seemed like a natural enough theme (hand prints would have been a disaster).  Thus, we embarked on Anika's first art project.  Thankfully, Grandma Freeman came over to lend her considerable grandmotherly skills to the effort.

Flexing and stretching her feet muscles, thinking of her most recent mani-pedi, and getting ready to make magic!  This bumbo chair is brilliant.
This is Anika's determined and serious art face.  Who needs a paint brush when you have toes?
All ready for print number one--it's go time.
On our way to the canvas--feeling motivated.
Carefully and methodically perfecting her craft (I hear Rembrandt started with footprints too).
Anika insisted that we switch from black to blue.  As a budding artist, her color preferences are much more hip than mine.
Anika's finished product.  I imagine someday it will sell at auction for millions.
It's hard to believe her feet have grown so much!
Next week, Anika is going to start practicing the Prodigal Son.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Baby Shoot

Alicia's friend Brianna Millet ( recently did a photo shoot of a bunch of Alicia's friends and their babies.  Here's Anika developing her modeling skills.

Relaxing, working on my facial muscles, and practicing looking cute before the big shoot.

Maybe someday I'll have my own trailer to get ready in instead of this teal green bumbo chair.

Mani-pedi please.

The Hope moms and their baby girls (Rachel and Josie, Melissa and Eva, and Kathleen and Elsa).

My friend Elsa and I finding our inspiration between shots.   

Obliging my mom with a picture.
One of the real disadvantages of being immobile is that I don't get to pick my own poses.  This one is goofy.

More goofing around with Elsa.

All of the babies.  Anika is perplexed by the mayhem. 

All tuckered out after a hard day's work.