Sunday, September 30, 2012

Anika's Trip to the North Shore with Grandma and Grandpa Freeman

Each fall, the Freemans go to the North Shore for a long weekend, to take in the colors, enjoy the cool breeze off of Lake Superior, and to relax.  Naps are had, Trivial Pursuit is played ad nauseam, and the great outdoors are enjoyed.  This was our first year with Anika, and it was an absolute treat.   

This is Anika on morning one, ready and raring to go.  She is as happy and giggly as it gets first thing in the morning.
Anika with Grandpa, checking out the great Lake Superior for the first time.  She loves her grandpa.
Anika with mama at the lake after her breakfast of kiwi and cantelope . . . mmmmmmmmm.
Anika is happy again after her first diaper change in the wild.  We had to pull over and utilize a picnic area to do our work, right in the middle of our tour of the fall colors.
The fall colors are exquisite!  Hopefully, all of Anika's exposure to maple leaves don't turn her into a Canadian defector.
Along our tour of the Superior National Forest we stumbled across a maple syrup store.  It is for Wild Country Maple Syrup, the largest maple syrup distributor in the state.  It takes over 60 miles of interconnected tubing to gather all of the maple syrup they produce each year.  Amazingly, this little store uses the honor system.  No employees.  Maple syrup for the taking and a little pay station to leave your money.  Incredible!

Anika was equally amazed that the honor system still exists.  She wanted us to get as much syrup as we could carry.
Enjoying the view from the VIP seats.
Anika with Nana in her red riding hood sweater, ready for day two!
Anika taking in the beautiful blue sky at Grand Marais in between sorting out flat skipping rocks for Alicia and I.  Next year she'll be skipping them all by herself!

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