Saturday, November 24, 2012

Curious Critters

Over the long turkey-day weekend, Anika continued developing her zoological brilliance.  Even at less than two months shy of a year old, Alicia's television ban is in full force.  Even the most educational programs, like Life or Planet Earth are strictly prohibited.  Luckily, I have acceptable teaching alternatives.  Who needs a zoo, or the television, when you have Curious Critters, by David FitzSimmons?

The inside is as striking as the cover.  Curious Critters was a wonderful gift from Mrs. Hansen, "the Judge's" wife.  The photos are breathtaking.  In light of Alicia's gift at making animal sounds, we could probably charge admission for the other neighborhood kids.
The giant goldfish is one of Anika's favorites.  It's about 50 times a goldfish's actual size!  I doubt Anika will tolerate Mom's trips to the fish store ever again.
When Anika's eyes get really big, I tell her that it'd taste like chicken.  I don't think she is convinced.
Sometimes Anika gets over-anxious, and we tell her to stand still politely until she is called on.
I will take lizards for $500, Alex.
The different kinds of frogs are also a big hit.  Probably because Anika is so adept at moving around on all fours and sticking out her tongue.  I'd guess her tongue is three times the length of a normal human tongue, but I'm sure it's just right for a frog.
We are working on smile correction--with no real success and no promising methods.  Nose scrunching and eye-squinting are endearing when you're one.  Twenty one . . . not so much.
Curiosity and mischief are in full swing at the Freeman household.

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