Sunday, January 27, 2013

Pushing the Limits--Lots of Firsts

Since Anika turned one, she says we have to take her out more.  She complains that she is sheltered.  Not enough travel, not enough new sights and sounds and tastes.  And so, this month we obliged her.  Anika is doing new things all by herself, and she has a long list of exciting firsts to report as the month comes to a close.

She's now a self-sufficient walker with her little cart.  She walks with it as far as she can go until she runs into something solid.  Then Alicia or I have to turn it in a new direction.  Around and around our main floor she goes.  But this is much better on our backs than walking holding onto our fingers.  In related news, she hit the 7th percentile for height at her last appointment, so our days of walking her around stooped over are numbered in any event.
Anika took her first plane ride last weekend--all the way to San Francisco.  Let's just say she wasn't this interested in the screen by the time we landed (3.5 hours later).  All in all, she was a trooper and did just great.
As long as we were doing transportation firsts, Anika wanted to ride the train.  And we did, though she was more interested in the people outside than the stuff we were passing by. 
We went to Lombard Street while we were in San Francisco.  I wanted to run Anika up the winding street to the top, but she wouldn't go.  Was too intent on getting to Ghiradelli square.
But she was pretty underwhelmed, mostly because Alicia put the kabosh on the chocolate she wanted to consume.  Tough breaks (though I did treat her to some of the whipped cream on my hot chocolate).  I know the way to Anika's heart.
Then it was off to see the Golden Gate bridge.  She was a lady about town.
Back home, she experienced her first snow.  She was not impressed.
Mom made the experience slightly better. 
Other firsts this month included Anika's first pony.  What is it that Jerry says about kids with their own ponies?
Anika also started reading the paper in a trendsetting new and active way, which involved lots of thrashing and movement.  As you can see, once Anika had her fun, she was especially drawn to the funnies.
She also has good taste in craft beer.  My kind of girl.  Holding the bottle was a first, but that was as far as we got.
She's an adventuresome and happy little girl.  Who knows what's next.

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