Saturday, February 25, 2012

What a Week!

This past week, I took my first long business trip away from Anika--5 days in lovely Warroad, Minnesota.  (The best part was the walleye.)  Alicia was good enough to send me a picture of the day each day I was gone, but it was amazing how big she (Anika, not Alicia) seemed by the time I got home.  Anika had quite the week.  She gained more than 6 ounces, started making eye contact for extended periods of time, cleaned her room for the first time, went to yoga, took her first road trip (to Rochester with Melissa and Eva to visit Amy, Josh, and Callan), went to her first birthday party (Parker Harrington's super hero party), changed her bowel activity in major ways (I'll spare you the gory details), and learned how to read thanks to multiple trips to Barnes & Noble with Alicia.  I'll let you guess which is most exciting to me.  Nothing earth shattering we know, but every change seems like a big one when your daughter is so tiny.  Here are some of our favorite pictures from the last couple of weeks.  Enjoy!

Anika hanging out in the kitchen while Mom helps Dad cook Valentines Day dinner
Yes, that's lobster tail, with risotto, made by Dad--with some help from Mom (lobster inspired by Andy B.)
Two beautiful girls
Anika expressing her distaste towards the bow about to be put in her hair
Anika's first bow (I admit, it could look worse)
Hanging out looking cute with Mom
Anika's animal buddies
Anika finally got up the energy to clean her room (now if we can just get her to sleep in it)
No sign that her belly is getting any smaller; it looks like there's a bowling ball inside
Beautiful dress that Mom wore when she was Anika's age--will look great this Easter
I already like Anika's fashion sense--minimalist
Who is this man who keeps taking pictures of me?
Lying close to Mom
Snuggling up with Dad--my new favorite way to pass an afternoon

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