Sunday, April 8, 2012

In the Cool of the Day

Genesis says that in the beginning, before the fall, God walked with Adam and Eve in the garden in the cool of the day.  What a great picture of God's relationship with his people!  Easter is about God making a way to restore us to that perfect relationship with him.  We are blessed to get small tastes of what that restoration will be like in this life--in delicious food, in the beauty of God's creation, and in the joy of loving relationships.  All of these good things point to God--the ultimate thing.  Anika, Alicia, and I got a wonderful helping of these great tastes of restoration on Anika's first Easter.

Anika's Easter dress was a dress that Alicia wore when she was Anika's age, and it still looks good (does this mean that 80's baby fashion is coming back around?)
Anika was excited for her first Easter (and excited about how thrifty she is--keep it up babe!)
Our day out started with a trip to French Meadow Bakery for breakfast; Anika is becoming quite the breakfast connoisseur (her favorite is still OPH, and she still thinks it's unfair that all she gets to eat is milk)
Next was Easter service at Hope Community Church--He is risen indeed!
Logging a little bit of play-mat time while Mom made her great strawberry salad (Anika's favorite hanging creature is still wise Ms. Owl)
Anika got lots of good time with Grandma Kim at Aunt Jen's house
And fun time with Grandpa Kim too (it's all physics all the time with Grandpa)
When it was all said and done, Anika was stuffed and happy (and slightly intimidated by the amazing cooking skills of the Kim family women)

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