Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Straight Jacket

The days of Anika sleeping anywhere and everywhere are waning.  And it's becoming very clear that her temperment is a function of her tiredness or lack thereof.  We have friends who swear backwards and forwards that swaddling is essential to good sleep.  But as soon as Anika got past her first couple of weeks, she fought against the swaddle, always breaking her arms and legs free.  We figured swaddling just wasn't her thing.  Here is a picture of Anika's typical escape from the standard swaddle.

Anika breaking free
But Alicia and I have since discovered a new solution.  No more wrapping her in circles tightly with an ordinary swaddling blanket.  No more child's play: introducing the straight jacket. 

It looks like a normal swaddling blanket, but don't be fooled, this is no ordinary receiving blanket
It comes equipped with special flaps built in to immobilize your baby's arms (I find comfort in the fact that she'll never remember I did this to her)
And there's a nice little pocket for her legs and feet (by this point Anika realizes this will not end well for her)
Now the wrapping begins (good thing Anika is not claustrophobic)
Around and around we go (Anika is now resigned to her inability to flail her arms and legs about)
Wrapped like a little burrito
The best thing about the straight jacket may not even be how well she sleeps in it.  The best part is the way she stretches all around after she is finally released.  Sometimes this goes on for 10 minutes or more.

Free at last, free at last
Right arm
Left arm
One happy baby
I hope and pray this constant desire to move her arms and legs around doesn't mean she destined for something like rhythmic gymnastics or synchronized swimming. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Gosh I love her!! I can't wait to spend more time with you guys this summer!

  3. Maybe she'll be a volleyball player! xo

  4. Oh my goodness! So darn cute!
