Monday, May 28, 2012

The Sounds of Anika Joy

Drum roll please.  This is my first attempt to incorporate video into our blog.  Unfortunately, when recording the video I forgot that there's no "rotate" function for video, so you'll have to manually rotate your computer to see Anika right-side up.  Here are the current sounds of Anika Joy (lower your expectations):

Old School Diapering

After four months of conventional diapers, Alicia has decided that it's time to transition Anika to old-school cloth diapers.  This is a good move for the Freeman family for several reasons: (1) Anika is currently on a 10-day schedule (her record is 13--yes 13--days), which means the worst part of cloth diapering is minimized (particularly for Dad, who almost has a better chance of getting struck by lightning than having to change and clean a dirty diaper); (2) cloth diapers are economical (high start-up cost but we'll start saving soon); (3) the cloth diapers appease our environmental consciences (though it's amazing how much out of sight out of mind takes over when we just dump our trash into a giant bin); and (4) the cloth diapers look good, despite how big they make Anika's booty look.  Here's our babe, showing off her new look.

I'm so happy you aren't sending my diapers off to landfills and that you can use that saved money for my wedding--I mean college--fund.
Practicing plyometrics to increase my vertical jump and test out whether my new diapers are going to slow me down.
They look pretty bulky, but I can jump and dance in these things (Dad's thinking volleyball star but I'm thinking ballerina).
Taking a breather to chew on my hands.
Showing off my big, cloth-diaper booty while I log some tummy time.
What do you think of my lady bug outfit?  (It's from my Auntie Lynn).
I like this open-air feel (whoever invented tank tops is brilliant)!
I like to laugh at my parents' funny sounds (hopefully, it's this easy to entertain me forever).
Happy, happy, happy.
Working out my neck muscles (and hoping that pretty soon my head doesn't make up close to half of my weight).

Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Week in the Life of Anika Joy

Our family has had quite a busy week.  We celebrated Anika's dedication and Mother's Day last Sunday; Anika met "the Judge" and went to a Twins game on Tuesday; we volunteered at the International Justice Mission Twin Cities event at the Riverview Theater on Tuesday night (check out IJM at; Anika rolled over for the first time (and five more times) on Friday while Mom and Dad were at a wedding; and we celebrated Uncle Tom's 26th birthday this afternoon.  Here's the whirlwind week in review:

This is Anika getting some rest in and bracing for the storm that was last week--she's all business.
Anika studying all of the people and focusing on looking cute in her polka dotted dress.
Most of the baby-dedicating crew up front (minus the Bensons).
The gang praying that our kiddos would love God with all of their hearts, souls, and minds and that we as parents would release any earthly claim over their lives--love this group of fellow Hope parents!
Pastor Cor married Alicia and I just less than five years ago and on Sunday he dedicated Anika to the Lord--so thankful for Pastor Cor and the rest of the leadership at HCC (yes, I did use photo-shop to color in my bald spot).
Anika and Grandma Barb celebrating Mother's and Grandmother's day!
On Tuesday, Anika met Judge Hansen, who I worked for in Cedar Rapids, IA after law school.  "The Judge" was a great mentor in my life, and I'm still grateful for the year I spent with him.  (Anika wasn't so sure what to make of Judge Hansen's cheering for the Indians). 
Not every day can consist of being on center stage at church and meeting federal judges.  This is Anika in her new chair that is supposed to help her learn to sit up on her own.  Low and behold, after all of her hard work on her back muscles, she rolled over six times yesterday--all for Grandma Kim.
Insisting on more working out and playing airplane with Mom.
Celebrating Uncle Tom's 26th birthday at Pizzeria Lola in South Minneapolis (it was excellent)!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Yoga Baby

What happens at home all day while I am at work is a mystery.  There's surely lots of eating, and sleeping, and playing, and reading, and dressing, but the rest is mostly unknown.  One of the things I hear about regularly though is baby Yoga.  I have a hard time imagining this, mostly because I don't really know what Yoga is.  I associate Yoga with soft instrumental music, incense, lots of stretching and provocative poses, gym mats, slow-talking instructors, and tight pants and shirts.  What about this activity meshes with babies?  But even before Anika was born, Alicia was going to prenatal Yoga, which meant that Anika was born ready for the stuff.

Anika practicing her Yoga poses at two weeks old.
The practice has continued.  And Anika was apparently so good at Yoga that she was asked to be in a promotional photo shoot for the Yoga gym (are they called "gyms"?) she and Alicia go to.  It's called Blooma.  Here are some of our favorite pictures of Mom and Anika doing their thing.  (Note that the photos mostly confirm my theories about what Yoga is.)

It's not clear what part of this constitutes a workout, but Anika seems to be entertained.
I'm sure going to like this "exercise" thing if this is all it takes--so much for those leg lifts Dad keeps trying to get me to do.
Wondering . . . are really going to make me try to do the downward dog stretch, because that's just weird?
This Yoga stuff is a piece of cake.
Sorry Anika, but I think your Mom may be more of a model than you.
Anika made sure to fall asleep by the time the awkward poses started.
All tuckered out after a tough day at the gym.
  Maybe we need to audition Anika for Baby Gap?!