Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012 Take Two

Doppa i Gryta at high noon was just the start of our Christmas Eve fun.  Alicia and I hosted the Kim family in the latter half of the day.  Committed to ensuring that Anika's only food-related association with Christmas was "Swedish Slop," Alicia went all out and made prime rib.

I confess, two slabs of meat like this make me start to rethink more than fifty years of broth and bread.  And this was only the tip of the iceberg, which was followed with mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, cornbread stuffing, string beans, the best gravy ever created, a tasty salad with pomegranate, and a traditional mouth-watering desert courtesy of Grandma Kim.  Alicia is something of a maestro in the kitchen.  Pretty soon Alicia will start to insist that I call her just that--the maestro. 
Anika got to spend lots of good time with her favorite Aunt Jen, who we're pretty sure she confuses for Alicia. 
Only mom-confusion (or the necklace Jen was wearing) explains this type of cuddling out of Anika these days.  Alicia and I get precious little of it, unless she's just waking up or completely out of her element.  All she wants to do is walk! 
Which brings us to what is currently by far Anika's favorite Christmas gift--this little shopping cart that she got from her other favorite Aunt--Michelle.  For days now, Anika's activity of choice is to push this thing around our main floor in circles.  (Every once in a while she stops to unload an animal or to look and wave at her reflection in the oven.)  Unfortunately, Alicia and I get no back relief, because the cart is so light and Anika so unsteady that someone has to bend over to hold the front of it down so she doesn't fall flat on her face.  Check out her athletic stance in this picture!
Anika's hands-down favorite part of the Kim family Christmas, though, was seeing her cousins Justin, Evan, Gabe and Nolan.  She could watch and laugh at these guys for hours.  Nolan (far right) is her best pal, and Anika loves to play with him.  Not a bad looking bunch.
Anika also had fun with the Kims playing games this weekend.  This is her being a stickler with the Taboo timer.

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