Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Eve Eve 2012

It's Christmas Eve Eve.  Anika's starting to dream big dreams of crinkly paper, boxes of all shapes and sizes, and shiny bags.  And Anika's repertoire of tricks and feats of strength is growing--just in time to impress her family and friends.  

Anika likes to show off her lizard-like superpower, while she waves at you or does soooooo big at the same time.  She's clearly going to be a multi-tasker like her Mom. 
Anika practices her tricks in this little snail mirror.
As you can see, she get's quite engrossed in her craft.  Practice makes perfect, she says.
When Anika's not waving and sticking out our tongue, she's cruising around the coffee table, practicing her speed-walking skills.  Her favorite playtime activity with Mom and Dad these days is holding onto our hands and doing laps around the living room.  Alicia and I are both developing chronic pain in our lower backs.  I like to see how fast we can go.
Anika works up quite a sweat and then insists on some whirlpool and sauna time.  We lovingly oblige.
She's not so good at relaxing in the tub.  It's not long and she starts into her motivational speaking routines.
Anika has pretty much abandoned getting around on all fours using her "worm" technique.  Alicia finally told her that her lats were getting too big.  As reluctant as Anika was to conform to the conventional crawling methods of her peers, she's getting the hang of it and moving four times as fast as she used to.
When she's tired of cardio, we let her move the living room furniture around. 
This tuckers her out fast, and she complains that she needs a gym membership like the other kids.  I then tell her about Rocky IV and how Micky's old-school training helped Rocky take down Drago and end the Cold War. 
At that, Anika sucks it up, re-hydrates, and gets back to business.
Even after a hard day of training, Anika easily transforms back into her cute easy-going self.

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