Sunday, January 29, 2012

It's a Girl!

Alicia was convinced that Anika was a boy.  She had volunteered to have an ultrasound at 14 weeks on the new 3d ultrasound machine at New Life Family Services--the crisis pregnancy center where she volunteers.  A couple of the observers (of the ultrasound monitor) made remarks like: Oh, I see . . .  LOOK . . . can you see it.  What else could "it" be?  The ultrasound technician scratched down the exciting news on a piece of paper, but Alicia called to tell me she was sure we were having a boy. 

This was not the way we'd planned on finding out the sex of our first born.  Nevertheless, set on making some sort of an event out of the news, we went down to Townhall Brewery at 48th and Chicago to crack the piece of paper and formally toast to our baby boy.

But apparently an umbilical cord is easily mistaken for a newborn's . . . .  Alicia and I were both in for a shock when we opened the little slip of paper.

Masala Mama IPA--good treat for a great occasion

Confession: we were only in the liquor store (after toasting to our baby girl in a bar) because we happened to see our good friend (and newborn photographer) Brianna Millet exiting and we ran over to tell her the news.

We were thrilled and thankful for the bit of fun.  (I also quickly began thinking about a wedding fund, mounting a shot gun above my mantel, and how to successfully ban pink from my daughter's wardrobe--more on that later.)  We couldn't imagine having been blessed with anyone other than our little Anika.

And for all of you skeptics out there, here's photographic proof that we actually saw Brianna at the liquor store across the street from Townhall. 

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