Monday, January 30, 2012

More Like Mom or Dad?

Not long after Anika was born, Alicia and I started trying to find our resemblance in baby Anika.  While I'm relieved that Anika has Alicia's good looks, I was slightly disheartened to have to struggle to find my resemblance in Anika's face.  After much scrutiny, I settled on her hairline; I can proudly say that my genes are responsible for Anika's (distinguished) hairline.  Check it out:

Day 1

Day 4
 Okay.  Not all that much to write home about, but at least it's something.  (See the carve out on her right temple!?)  To make me feel better, Alicia tells me that Anika also has my back fuzz, which thankfully is starting to lessen.  I guess I can always hope that my genetic contributions manifest themselves later in life--like in a top flight vertical jump.  Ultimately, I think it's safe to say that Anika looks like her mom--beautiful!

Two weeks old

Two weeks old

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