Saturday, January 28, 2012

Anika's First Week

Because Anika was four weeks early, we spent her first week at the hospital--in the Special Care Nursery.  It was a long week, but we had awesome nurses, lots of visitors, and a ton of support.

Meeting Grandpa and Grandma Freeman

Anika with Auntie Amy Lee, who was a wealth of support during our first week.

Anika and Aunt Lynn

Meeting Grandpa and Grandma Kim
Because we had so much downtime in the hospital, I spent a lot of time taking photos.  And it's hard not to--she's quite the subject.

Anika loves to stick out her tongue.

She love sleeping too.

BIG belly.

BIG yawn.

Every time we fed Anika, we had to take her temperature, to make sure she was proficient at regulating her body temperature.

Getting ready for bath number one.

You'd think she was at the spa--she loved it and hardly made a squeak.

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