Saturday, January 28, 2012

Beautiful Anika Joy

Welcome.  Instead of using Facebook, Alicia and I have decided to start a blog to post pictures and updates on our darling Anika Joy and our new family of three.

On January 9, 2012 at 7:21 in the morning, Alicia and I welcomed Anika Joy into the world.  She weighed 6 pounds and 3 ounces and was almost 4 weeks early--pretty big for a preemie!   (Given her trajectory, Mom is secretly grateful that she came early.)

January 9th is a great day.  You'll be interested to know that January 9th is also the day of the first hot-air balloon flight (1793), the first women's golf tournament (1811), and the day the Twins agreed on a $500,000 payment to the American Association for the Minnesota / St Paul territory--the agreement that paved the way for the start of Twins baseball in Minnesota.  It's also the day in 1979 that the Vikings lost to the Oakland Raiders in Superbowl XI, but I still think Anika is destined for greatness.

Enough words; the pictures tell it all.  Meet our new baby girl.

Minutes after birth

Weigh in number one.

Already chilling out.

Her eyes were fixed on Mom's!

A great reward after more than 24 hours of Genesis 3 labor.

First family photo!

A good time to try out my lungs.

Checking out her new glass house--not as cool as the womb.

Man she looks chubby!  The womb sure must have been comfy.

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