Saturday, January 28, 2012

Headed Home--Finally

After a week of living in the hospital, we were so relieved to take Anika home.  Here are some pictures from the hospital.

This is Alicia and I at the Mid-town Global Market; we found out that it was a skyway's walk away in the middle of our week at the hospital.  We never ate at the hospital cafeteria again.  (Doesn't she look amazing for having given birth only days ago!?)

We also discovered a tunnel that lead from our hospital to Children's Hospital, where James and Melissa were with Evangeline.  Alicia liked the wheelchair rides.

This was the common room outside of the Special Care Nursery, where we spent a lot of time between feedings.

This was our room for most of the week--pretty dingy.

Finally going home at long last.  Cute hat courtesy of Amy Lee Harrington!

Man does Anika look tiny!  Alicia sat in the backseat needless to say. 

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