Saturday, March 10, 2012


Slowly Anika changes.  Small changes, but changes nonetheless.

She's becoming much more expressive:

Looks like a face of dislike, but it usually means she's hungry
She's also LOVING her play mat--particularly Mr. Owl, which makes a bell noise.  I think she knows that owls are smart.  Thankfully, she doesn't show any interest at all in the hanging squirrel, which is the worst of the hanging animals and (fittingly) does not make any noise at all. 

She now smiles almost immediately after being put down in her play mat (wise Mr. Owl is on the right)
She's also starting to move her arms and legs around a lot more.  It's like she finally realizes that she's the one moving them.  How fun!

Disco moves already?  (Maybe she's going to be a hippy)
Scrunching up her legs and waving her arms around--this must be a dance move from the future
Maybe her Olympic sport will be the luge?
Oh, and one more thing happened this week.  She started shopping.

Looks like we're already going to have to have a talk about healthy choices


  1. Bryan, Anika looks like you in the 2nd to last picture. That's the only time I've thought she has looked like you.

  2. "Maybe she's going to be a hippy" Of course she is going to be. And she will foster peace and wear flowers in her hair.
