Saturday, March 24, 2012

Firsts (of the not-so-important variety)

Anika is all about firsts these days.  We've had: the first time sleeping for four solid hours, first nap in her own bed/crib, and first Twins ticket draft with the Freeman family, among other things, recently.  Today, we knocked some other important things off of Anika's list--first trip to OPH (the Original Pancake House), first trip to the movies (to see, and by that I mean sleep through, the Hunger Games), and first stroller ride around the neighborhood.

First trip to OPH--one of the best breakfast spots in the Twin Cities!
Waiting outside with her best friend Evangeline--dreaming about pancakes and hoping they are worth the long wait
Starting to really get hungry
The girls at OPH--Julie's first time!
Sitting with Dad and still thinking about pancakes--when will they be here!?
Anika after we broke the news that there would be no pancakes for her--just milk (and not even chocolate milk)
Luckily, Auntie Julie was there to save the day
Next it was off to Anika's first movie.

Anika not knowing how to feel about The Hunger Games being her first trip to the movies--what's that book about again?
Don't worry.  With Anika we're still sticking to Cat in the Hat, the Bible, the Giving Tree, and a healthy dose of the Great Brain--Alicia's favorite childhood series of stories.  Amazingly, the original Great Brain box set now goes for ~$400!?  How can this be?  We'll need to wait until at least middle school until Anika's old enough for The Hunger Games. 

Family pic at our first trip to the movies--one of our favorite hobbies (movie-watching counts as a hobby, right?)
Turns out that taking a newborn to the movies is not all it is cracked up to be.  Before we'd even gotten to the District 12 reaping, Anika started crying and I was relegated to walking around with her near the door of the movie theater, trying to lull her back to sleep.  I got her to sleep by the time half of the tributes were gone and then watched the remainder of the movie in the second row near the aisle.  Welcome to parenthood I suppose.  This is only the beginning.

More adventures awaited Anika when she got home.  Mom took her on her first stroller ride around our neighborhood.  All indications are that she loved it. 
Before--a bit perplexed by Mom's makeshift support system (and what is this new contraption anyway?)

After--a very happy baby


  1. WOw! You guys were brave to take her to the movies! Lovethelast picture.
